Thank you!
Thank you for filling out the registration form!
Please allow us up to 3 working days to send you a confirmation email. This will be sent after a manual review of your registration. Important: You will not receive an automatic confirmation email, so please be patient during this process.
If you do not receive a confirmation email within 3 days, kindly check your spam folder, as it may have been directed there.
Once we have received your payment, we will send you a confirmation email to finalize your registration. You do not need to send us a copy of your transfer.
For the most up-to-date information, including dates and other details, please visit our website.
Important Reminder: Shoes are not allowed in the dance studios. Only proper dance shoes, socks, or bare feet are permitted. If you need to bring your outdoor shoes into the studio, please use a shoe bag. Otherwise, outdoor shoes must be left outside the dance studios or at the Shoonya Art Café on the ground floor. Jackets can also be placed here.
Thank you for your understanding!